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Safe streets and the sense of community are what make Sierra Madre one of the most desirable places to live in the Southland. This does not happen on its own. As you may know, there are many volunteers that are involved in civic groups, commissions, and committees. Sierra Madre is the best place to live because of us, the residents. City Hall needs to be a place that, of course provides necessary services, but also facilitates community engagement and involvement. Keeping Sierra Madre as the best place to live incentivizes community engagement and volunteerism. I believe policies from the City Government can directly affect the quality of life here in town. We are doing great here in Sierra Madre, but there is always room for improvement. 

Fiscal Responsibility

I will make certain that our budget is thoughtful and balanced. As a councilmember, I would be entrusted with making decisions on your behalf with your tax dollars. I will exhaustively consider the balance between services that our city expects with consideration of how best to spend those dollars. The ability to have nice things begins with smart decisions about the city’s finances. Once a city gets into financial trouble, the services provided become extremely limited. For the past couple of years, our city has been increasing our financial stability while the trend of cities across California is moving towards insolvency. I intend to keep us on that path of improvement in this area. My expertise in Economics and Finance gives me a unique prospective that City Hall needs.

Public Safety

We enjoy one of the safest cities in California here in Sierra Madre. Our Police and Fire departments are known for their quick service times and many of us residents know our Police and Fire professionals by name. Having our own Police and Fire departments provides us the ability to have direct influence over these vital services to our town. The benefits that come with safety should not be taken for granted. We are able gather at community events, spend leisure time in our business district, and feel safe in our homes thanks to those in uniform that serve our community.


Sierra Madre needs to keep a close eye on maintenance and replacement needs of our city’s assets. Too long have we neglected to maintain our water system and library. I will make certain that we continue to maintain our city’s assets in a cost effective and responsible way.

Community and Library Services

Community and Library services have a direct impact on our quality of life here in Sierra Madre. Oftentimes, these are the first departments to see budget cuts in a search for so-called “fiscal-responsibility”.  These services are vital in order to maintain our Sierra Madre Charm and create an intangible asset that maintains, or even increases, property values, community spirit, and family involvement for Sierra Madre residents.

I am forever grateful to the teams of volunteers and city staff that help make these services flourish.

Business District

We are fortunate to have a business district that is in walking distance from almost every residence here in Sierra Madre. The businesses on Sierra Madre Boulevard, Baldwin, Kersting Court, and East Montecito are vital to the fabric of our community and create another intangible asset that helps promote our way of life here in Sierra Madre. I feel it is our obligation as residents to support our local business whenever possible. If we do not support these businesses by shopping, eating, and using personal services here in town, we could lose this vital part of our community.

Paid for by Edward T. Garcia for Council 2022
117 E Grandview Avenue
Sierra Madre, CA 91024
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